Financial Eligibility for Services

Who Qualifies?

  • Older adults 60 years of age and older and living in the GTA.
  • Older adults whose problems are within the areas of law practiced by the Clinic.
  • Older adults whose income and assets are within the guidelines set by Legal Aid Ontario for representation.

Financial guidelines and place of residence are not considered when the staff provides only summary advice and referrals.

Generally, we can only represent an older adult whose rights are at issue who is living on a low income.

If your main source of income is one of the following, then you qualify financially for our service:

  • Ontario Works (OW)
  • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
  • Old Age Security Pension (OAS) with Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
  • War Veterans’ Allowance
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) which are temporary or threatened

Financial eligibility is mostly based on family size and family income. Eligibility also depends on the assets you own.


Family Unit Size for Entity Services Gross Annual Income
1 $22,720
2 $32,131
3 $39,352
4 $45,440
5 or more $50,803


Family Unit Size for Entity Services Liquid asset value limit for entity services
Individual $8,933*
Family unit of 2 or More $11,910*

*ACE does not include an owner-occupied principal residence owned by the older adult whose rights are at issue.

For more information: Financial eligibility testing for entity services provided by community legal clinics and student legal services organizations.

ACE may exercise discretion in appropriate cases.