Holly Street Advocacy Centre for the Elderly Inc’s (ACE) work is supported by our members. ACE services and activities are in relation to areas of law of special importance to the older adult population. Our primary goals are to provide direct legal services to low-income seniors, to inform through public legal education, and engage in systemic law reform projects. To help us to fulfill our goals and to ensure that our services are relevant, we need the participation of older adults and their families.
Benefits of membership include receipt of the ACE Newsletter(s), published twice a year, and voting privileges at the Annual General Meeting. The annual membership fee is $10.00 for individuals and $25.00 for agencies or groups. However, if the fee presents financial difficulties, we can arrange to waive the fee.
If you are not already a member of ACE, please consider joining.
To become a member, you can complete the membership form by submitting it online, emailing the form to or by mailing it to:
Advocacy Centre for the Elderly
55 University Avenue, Suite 1500
Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2H7
Please note: You do not have to be a member to obtain legal services from ACE.