ACE’s Written and Oral Submissions on Bill 142, An Act to enact the Consumer Protection Act, 2023

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On Tuesday, November 21, 2023, ACE’s Executive Director, Graham Webb, presented both written and oral submissions to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy. The focus of these submissions was the Ontario Legislature’s Bill 142, titled “An Act to enact the Consumer Protection Act, 2023,” which also involves amendments to the Consumer Reporting Act and various other Acts.

As of now, the proposed legislation, Bill 142, is undergoing the committee stage during the second reading consideration.

To access ACE’s written submissions, please refer to the document titled “Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy RE Bill 142: An Act to Enact the Consumer Protection Act, 2023.

For those interested in viewing the oral submissions, a recording of ACE’s testimony to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy during the public hearing on November 21st, 2023, is available on ACE’s YouTube channel: “ACE’s Testimony to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy Regarding Bill 142 (Public Hearings).”